Monday, July 27, 2020

2020: A Summer of Protests and Marches

Indeed, 2020 is proving to be a unique year. This summer has shown itself to be unique as well. Since the pandemic began last spring, people are quarantined, families are isolated and going to a beach or to a barbeque seems like a dream from a bygone era. Instead this summer is one full of marches, protests, gatherings of people, with voices raised in frustration, unified to find justice and overdue recognition. In a few short months of pandemic shutdown, people have come together and have voiced their concerns over health, equality of the races, police brutality, etc., etc. These are not new themes, but ones carried over half a century - really, much longer than that.

There are too many statistics of people (mainly of color) having been brutally murdered, beaten, wrongly shot. It needs to stop. It needs to stop. It needs to stop. Period.

I have selected several images detailing protest from the web. Many thanks to everyone included here, but there are so many images to choose from. A sad state of our time where so much pain needs to be addressed. These images cover a number of issues, but the common element is one of protest.

John Lewis, the great Civil rights era leader from Georgia who recently lost his battle with cancer was memorialized this week. I came across one of his quotes which I think bears repeating...“Go out there, Speak up, speak out! Get in the way, get in good trouble! Necessary trouble! And help redeem the soul of America.” Go forth, my inked up friends, and speak the truth as only we can - through great works.